Meet Our Clients
Bill and Sarah

You may be thoughtful about your estate plans today, but no one knows how your favorite charities might change over time. DonorsTrust's can safeguard that your resources will be well-spent according to your wishes. This is one of the advantages cited by clients, Bill and Sarah: "Determining what an organization will be doing twenty years from now is a big issue. Donor intent is a big problem. I think most people should view legacy giving as thorny. It certainly is for me. I didn't start out with any money and now that I have some, it's hard to explain to people that it can be a problem, trying to see that it does some good. Steering it to end up in good hands is very difficult. That is where DonorsTrust can be very helpful."

Michael created a charitable remainder trust and a private foundation, but two years later changed course to became a DonorsTrust client instead. "It seemed like a lot of bureaucracy just to give away appreciated stock...." Today Michael works with DonorsTrust to ensure his non-liquid assets will ultimately benefit his favorite charities. "I own or have invested in several properties and my art collection has become substantial. As I consider giving some of this to good causes – what non-profit wants or even knows how to monetize art? In addition, to leave real property in your will leaves the recipient with the same challenge of handling a non-liquid asset. As I update my will, I've asked DonorsTrust to help me find a smart way to gift both homes and artwork. A donor-advised fund lets me streamline that giving. This especially makes things much more manageable for the cause to which I may give."

Stephanie shares the personal story behind why, at a young age, she recognized the need to create estate plans that were honor her donor intent. It begins with an unlikely catalyst: "In late 2016, my two year old son P.D. picked up a guide to planned giving that my husband and I had received. I'd held onto the mailer, because I was in the process of designing a planned giving program for my organization."
Sue and Evan

Evan today can only speak through the legacy he left behind. He passed away in 2016, before his time, but by then he had already given serious thought to the charitable legacy he wished to leave. Evan entrusted DonorsTrust to steward the endowment of a chair at the Cato Institute that would focus on the public understanding of economics. Evan's wife, Sue, discusses Evan, his legacy, and the value she places on those carrying it out.